Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Birth Announcement

Kaylee is about 3 1/2 weeks old today and so we're going to literally have to pummel this blog site with a bunch of pictures and videos in order to catch up. So bear with us as we rush to get everything uploaded.

A good place to start is with the Birth Announcement. As you can hopefully see at the bottom, she was born at 7:46 PM on May 24th, weighing in at 6,7, and 19" tall.

Even though she was a couple weeks ahead of schedule, she was in no hurry to join us "on the other side," taking nearly 22 hours of labor time. All props to JM who endured the whole process without an epidural or any kind of pain medication. She won't brag about it, but I can! That's right!

If you're interested in seeing more pictures, you can check out (and order prints) from this link:

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