Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our baby---a big girl...

Here I am reporting on some more of "the things they never tell you about parenting." I'd like to meet "They" and give them a piece of my mind, but that's another subject for another day. Perhaps I'll write a book. Anyway, I've gotten used to the "Experienced Mother" telling me to enjoy these moments because they go so fast. This mother then proceeds to tell me stories of when her babies where young and then continues to share how they are now grown and rotten. I usually nod my head and say "yeah, I'm enjoying them" or something else nice and then try to find a way to change the subject. After all, I AM enjoying every moment and I stopped reading "What to Expect in your 1st year" in month 5...because really, the only thing that reading that book does is give you anxiety about how your child is not developing like a text book says she should.

But then these past 7 days happened...and I suddenly found myself on the other side of the Mom category. The one that finds Mom's everywhere saying, "What happened to my baby!?" So now I have a word to say to those "Experienced Moms"...You didn't warn me about the flood of emotions that I was going to experience! You didn't warn me about the shock and awe and pride and joy and remorse and sadness that can be felt all at the same time! You simply said "Enjoy this time!" Grrr... :-) I'm mostly kidding. But I have found that this past week has catapulted Kaylee into a world of "Pre-Toddlerness" that I don't think I was ready for.

#1. Scooting - Apparently this is her main mode of transportation around the house these days. Not a standard baby crawl, more of an army crawl conducted by a soldier that has lost his right leg to a war. After getting up on all fours, Kaylee then plops down and continues to one of her legs (either one) behind the rest of her as she scoots along the floor. So when people ask if she's crawling, I say no. I guess I could start saying "kind of."

#2 Self-feeding - Kaylee started finger foods recently. I find this to be the most entertaining time of my day. There are no words to describe it...so here you go:

#3 The Stroller - This is the kicker for me. This is the event that made me realize that I have a "pre-toddler" as THEY like to call it. Kaylee has been sitting up on her own a lot more lately. Riding in shopping carts has now replaced the carseat coming with us wherever we go. So...I figured that if she can go shopping in a cart, then she can go for a walk in her stroller! We tried it last night...and it went great! Now, I'm sure that most of you "Experienced Moms" are smiling sweetly at my little discoveries, but as a first-time mom, all of these things are brand new to me! So here is my BIG GIRL...in her BIG GIRL outfit...with her BIG GIRL smiles.

Conclusion: My baby is growing up fast indeed...and the little girl in her is starting to emerge. It's bitter sweet. I'm THRILLED at the new stages and can't believe they really DID come so fast. Sigh...I guess this is when people start teasing you about having another one... HA! NO! For anyone who was thinking about it...NO...we are not there. :-)


Veronica @ Luv My Quiver Full Of Arrows said...


From one mama to another...the feelings you are experiencing, come with each child...just as strong as the first, and just as bittersweet. Take it from a mom of 6. So, yes, enjoy it all and expect the unexpected at ALL TIMES!! HA HA

xoxo, Veronica in CA
p.s. in my book an army crawl is a crawl. I think that has to take more energy than a regular one, so she should get the credit! Way to go, Kaylee!!

Carly said...

Oh, I just LOVED that stage with Eden. Look at how incredibly ecstatic she is in the stroller. Brings back memories, sniff sniff.

Unknown said...

kaylee in the stroller minus carseat = auntie having issues. :( little one is growing up :)

Natalie said...

oh that's right I didn't warn you well... SURPRISE !!!
With each baby you'll be saying " oh my gosh ? already ? " and then they run and talk and.... yes, take lots of pictures

debby said...

And before you know it, she's walking down the aisle. And having a daughter of her own. And then another, and then a son. Oh, man, it's going to FLY by! I absolutely LOVE that you are soaking it all in.

Ash said...

and then maybe just one more... LOL mom!

anyway, it's true, you do get this way with each one. I'm starting to see the little boy emerge from my baby and it is seriously just breaking my momma heart! I love that he's growing and that he's healthy and sweet as can be, but I dread the day that I start forgetting him at this age. I'm glad I have a blog now. It helps a lot. I wish I had one when Jenna was born... but anyway, of course you're treasuring these moments. I think we "experienced mothers" ;) just say it wistfully because it seems that no matter how much you treasure them, no matter how you try to hang on to them, they slip through your fingers before you know it and no matter how many you have, you forget how quickly it happens.

anyway, I'm glad I'm back online and can catch up :)

Ash said...

I swear I haven't forgotten about you! The program i bought is not working. Not sure what I'm going to do! I can't even update my own blog so I'm still in Christmas mode over there, lookin' lazy LOL

I promise I'll get to it as soon as I can! Don't give up on me :)

Unknown said...

update your blog.