WOW. It's been a reeeeallly long time. And since it's been so long, I'm NOT going to fill everyone in. I'm simply going to pick up where we are at right now. :) I was told this evening "not to over exert myself" by doingthis...but I feel as if the events that took place today could ONLY be told through a blog post. Thus, I have logged in, recovered the password, discovered that I have to log in as Nick in order to post anything at all (anyone know how to transfer a blog?) and also that Blogspot has become Blogger. I's been a while.
ANYWAY...what kind of event could cause such a resurrection? An Organization Event, of course! It's been a while since me and my friend Kim have hung out. Today she came over and it dawned on me that more than 3 years ago...when I needed to organize Kaylee's closet (before she was born), Kim was one of the main contributors to such a task. Now today marks the day where I had thrown my hands up and just said "forget it!" to the closet and dresser. How on earth do you come up with a system for packing up old clothes, putting out new clothes, storing them for that "just in case you have ANOTHER girl" moment, not to mention fit clothes enough for two girls in such a tiny space!?!? Youcall my friend Kim...and you commit to a whole day of organization. :) So...if I decide to start blogging again, I'll post some fun stuff about the additional human we've created and added to our Crew. I could also post some more fun stuff about the 3rd birthday that is coming up for the first little midget we made. But for now, this post will be ALL about clothes and closets. Sorry. But it was just WAY to exciting. :)
Step 1: Stare at the closet, the dresser and the LOADS of unorganized boxes of baby clothes. You see...when I don't have a system in place, I begin creating chaos. Nothing goes in its place, because nothing really has a place. And let's be honest, even if I had taken the time to
give it a place...after two kids-am I REALLY expected to remember where that place was?
Step 2: Submit to Kim. She had ideas and I was overwhelmed. So when she said dump EVERYTHING out onto the floor and empty out the closet, I obeyed.
(this is not even half of it...)
Step 3: Sort...and sort...and sort...We created little labels for our piles. Newborn, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 12, 24, 2t, 3t & 4t. Then we sorted everything down to the socks and hats. It was nuts. Meanwhile, I also took the opportunity to put all the current sizes for Makenna into the closet. Transferred all of Kaylee's clothes out of the closet into the dresser. They now both have clothes that fit AND they are organized. Such a concept.
(Makenna's clothes will be on the left, and that sorter starts Kaylee's side)
Step 4: Drink orange juice and start playing dress up with Kaylee. In order to figure out what fits, we made a huge game of it! What 2.5yr old doesn't like dressing up? (Are you bored yet? Sorry. I warned you this was all about organization.) And the OJ? Well, I was getting distracted and I got something to drink.
(pardon the appearance...anything blue is "just like Cinderella" which means the glass slippers have to go on. And her hair is JACKED from having to take off and put on so many different things. LOL)
Step 5: Place all clothes inboxes and label them accordingly. I was going to use my label maker, but it doesn't make labels large enough...and it was in the closet that Makenna is currently sleeping in. (Yes, she's sleeping in the closet. More on that if I decide to keep blogging.)
Step 6: Make an instruction sheet to place next to the labels, because after all...I WILL forget the system we created and then I'll have to try to remember what we did. And THAT would be very dangerous and VERY scary.
Needless to say...the project took AAAALLLL stinkin' day. But at the end, we were thrilled and I couldn't be more excited about the new system that I am hoping is clear enough to read and remember.
Thank you, Kim...for my girls' closet, dresser, storage boxes but most of all my sanity. :) I love you and hate El Paso. (she's moving there...and I'm gonna be sad.)
Oh wow! I loved this post (surprise, surprise). It reminded me of when we cleaned out the Children's Ministry storage room on Ruffin Rd. It's one of my favorite things to do! Oh, and I started blogging again, too!
(sorry, that was me that deleted the previous comment, because I was signed in as Gene!)
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